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It's my holiday and I'll stab a bitch if I want to! |
They're coming to get you Barbara! |
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Blinded by the poor special effects! |
Kweeny's Rating: *Dances to drum beats*
Summary: This one draaaags on, but if it wasn't for Elvira popping in and out and making hilarious jokes I think I would have fallen asleep. There's a bunch of "voodoo" stuff in it, because the zombies are made through voodoo magic, but it's all hokey as hell. I did enjoy it though, because Elvira sings a song to the tune of Gilligan's Island about the characters in the film! Best part of the movie!
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Did someone call for some hairy MAN CANDY? |
Kweeny's Rating: Tom Selleck mustache goodness!
Summary: Ooooh man! I started watching this one because I thought it was part of the Hulu Movie Macabre collection and it just played right after the last one. Of course, little did I know I was on a journey into a steaming pile of SATAN WORSHIPING! Wooo hooo! And then I saw in the credits Tom was in it and I was just like, "Oh be still my heart. 70's shlock with Tom Selleck!" So now I know what movie I shall force upon Mad Jester for our next AMFY's segment! *evil cackles* Actually, I got a few I can use thanks to this movie marathon! Not gonna run out of shlock any time soon!
Elvira's Movie Macabre: Night of the Living Dead (120 mins/1968)
Kweeny's Rating: Classic meets Elvira! *squeee!*
Summary: Okay, this completed my Halloween. Sure, it's not the last movie I watched, but it is the BEST I watched today. I love George A. Romero's classic, and I love Elvira! So putting them together is like a nightmare come true! This was her way of relaunching her Movie Macabre series, and I can't really think of a better and more suitably Elvira way to do it! Old classic zombie films and Elvira are just meant to be!
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That's right camera, look at my butt! LOOK AT IT! |
Kweeny's Rating: Screaming for Elvira!
Summary: So I finished my movie marathon with this movie...which is a bit of a snore-inducer. Luckily Elvira is there to make things at least bearable. She get's paid to put up with these terrible movies, what's my excuse? I suppose I am a horror masochist. I figure watching the bad makes you appreciate the good things in horror all the more. And I like to have fun with my horror. Somehow watching these AWFUL movies is actually fun for me. Some people watch terrible Sci-Fi or Fantasy. I watch horror! DON'T JUDGE ME!
*cough* So anyhow Darlings, Sweeney is telling me it's almost time for costumes and tricks...I mean, TREATS! Yes, I would never TRICK anyone. No, not at all...
Hopefully you are having a spooktacular one! I will be back again don't you fret with more blogging madness, but if you don't see me for a few days it's because I am resting my head from all the crazy movies I watched. I'm telling you, some of these are heaping piles of cracked-out bad, and I will need a few days to remember what good cinema is. See you later gang!![]() |
Sweeney says: Might as well face it Kweeny, your addicted to shlock! |
Yeah I eat Your Skin was a lot of fun. :?)
ReplyDeleteI didn't really like The House that Screamed. I just couldn't get into it. I thought it was slow, boring drivel that was just playing on ideas I have seen done better. to each their own right?