Thursday, 2 February 2012

Kweeny and the WIHM

Hey gang! I am very excited to announce that I have been approved as an official "event" for the Women in Horror Month! Okay not exactly ME, but my blog column "Monster Mavens" is the event in question. I plan to be updating it every Sunday during February! Huzzah!

I am mighty happy and proud to be a part of this event. So stay tuned for Monster Maven love all this month.


  1. Very very cool. Can't think of a better blogger to take part.

    Also, can't think of a better way to thumb your nose at Fango. :P

  2. This is wonderful news, Kweeny! Wasn't sure if you were going to take part this year but I'm stoked to see you will be! Looking forward to your posts this month, and hope you'll check out some of mine as well :-)



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