Monday 30 December 2013

Kweeny's Top Movies of the Year Post

The year is almost out, so that means everyone is doing their lists. I know the horror community is split on this year, but for me, I think we did pretty well considering. Some years we don't even have 5 movies to bitch about, let alone 10 or more. There has been a lot of horror out, for good or bad. At least it gives us all something to talk about.

But I wanna focus on the positive here. So here is my list of films that really wowed me this year. Some are movies that came out the year before, but because of when they were available or my access to them, I have put them on this year's list. Ordered from my favorite film of the year to my least.



This movie pretty much sealed my love of the Soska sisters as directors. It's beautifully shot, the acting is superb by all the characters, and it has a premise I can get behind. While it is a body mod horror film, it is respectful to the community of body modification. Mary's evolution throughout the film is a terrible descent into cold, sociopathic revenge. And through all this, we get a strong female lead who is interesting to watch on screen, as well as deadly sexy.


For me, this year was great for vampire films. Two really awesome films came out, this one being the first. I loved it. It's got some really gory moments. but that isn't the focus of the movie. Byzantium is about the love of a mother and her vampire daughter, about a male-run society of vampires who fear women vampires, and about the survival of these two outcasts. And how the vampires are made is beautiful and horrific.


Another awesome vampire flick. This one is stylish and old school feeling, with a lot of sexiness. I mean a lot. This film captures the feel of the old 70's vampire flicks, and doesn't spare you the bloody mess. You won't get sparkle vampires here. But you will get a love story of a sort, and learn how hard it is to deal with family of all kinds.


I am not usually a fan of remakes, but there were a few really good ones this year, and Maniac took the lead. I love how they approached this film, and to me, they didn't kill the essence of the story by changing the POV of the film. I really liked that we saw things through the killers eyes, and only briefly saw him in mirrors or other reflective surfaces. And the kills are just as brutal as the original, not a scalp is spared.


This one really surprised me. I wasn't expecting much from it, and only after I read a few reviews did I go out of my way to see it. I'm glad I did. It was fun as hell! What starts off as a standard home invasion film quickly switches things up, and brings a lot of laughs along with it. I think if you haven't seen this one, you really should give it a go because it was a really good film. Not as deep as some of the movies here, but sometimes you need to see something for the thrills. There are some really creative kills too!


This movie on the other hand, was pretty deep. I found it a really powerful film, and while it's a remake, I preferred this version over the original. Perhaps it was the way they told the story this time, but the important elements are all there. The ritual and the cannibalism are shown in stages until they hit you hard at the end. 


This movie is rather cerebral as well, and has a unique style. The story brings you into a bleak future where we idolize celebrities so much we are willing to BUY their illnesses. With a weird premise like that, it would be easy to screw this up, but I am pleased to say this movie doesn't drop the ball. It's weird, it's visceral, it's gross, and it makes really interesting commentary on society. 


With The Conjuring, they take the approach of old school haunted house/possession films. Even though a lot of what happens is familiar from other films of the genre, this one takes a fresh approach to them, and gives us some pretty good jump scares. I enjoyed a lot of the props too, like the creepy doll story at the beginning. 


I'm a fan of Rob Zombie's work when he does Rob Zombie films, and not remakes. Even if they are not the best films I've ever seen, they usually are interesting to watch and don't bore me. The Lords of Salem was an interesting take on Witches, and was shot with interesting uses of color and imagery. Heidi's decent into madness is pretty intense.


I was a little disappointed with the effects of this one, but the story of feral children being protected by a creature named MAMA...yeah, I had to watch it. Movies with mother issues always get me. This one is a good film though, if you can ignore the overuse of CGI on the creature. I really loved the acting done by the two girls and they are really creepy when we first encounter then in the cabin.


Yes, Evil Dead is on here. And yes, it is a remake. But as I said, there have been some really good remakes lately, and this one was a pretty decent one. The film had a lot going for it, and there are some fun, gory scenes. I didn't find the main character all that empowering though, considering she's a bitchy junkie to start with, and get's raped brutally by tentacles. Seriously, did we need the rape scene to come back and in more gruesome detail? Because unlike American Mary, which has a rape scene, this one isn't making a point about anything except that they can make it more crazy with effects. But it does have some awesome moments, so do check it out.

And that's my list! Horror did pretty good in my opinion. Some years I can't even think of 5 let alone 10 movies I liked. What about you gang, what's your favorite films of the year? 

Sunday 22 December 2013

Time to Spread the Yuletide FEAR...

I roped in some of my awesome Blogger chums into doing this little treat for you viewers! Since we love sharing our geekery year round, it's only appropriate we celebrate Creepmas OUR WAY! 

So for all our supporters, here's a little festive greeting from:

Mad Jester, one of Kweeny's blogging minions on
And of course me, the Demon Blogger!

Who says horror fans can't be festive right? Everyone had a great time putting this together. This is what happens when I ask a group of bloggers to sing Creepmas carols. Hope you are laughing your ass off as loudly as I was while I edited this thing! Happy holidays boils and ghouls!

Thursday 19 December 2013


This the season...for HORROR SWAG! Recently I got two awesome things in the mail as holiday gifts, and I am very excited about them. My friends are wicked, and know how to make a creepy girl like me feel loved. I do have a twisted sense of humor.

So I thought I'd share some of the awesome stuff I've gotten! First let me show you a gift I got from my friend Randi in Canada:

So imagine if you will, my reaction when I opened this package. I was like a hyper wolf pup reunited with her packmates. I think I literally squeed with delight, which is a rare thing to come out of my fowl mouth.

I was like 8 again. It was awesome.

I had my own copies of these long ago, but I lost them as sometimes happens to treasured things. So when Randi said she was giving away these books, I was willing to throw money at her to get them.

But because she loves me and it's Creepmas, I got them as gifts!


Another wonderful gift I got was some neat swag from my good friend Eric's Guts and Grog blog! It's a great blog, do check it out! I felt honored to receive such gifts! I got pins, a sweet shirt, a nice postcard from the movie Trollhunter, (which is an awesome movie btw) and this crazy-cool booklet of H.P. Lovecraftian monsters! I friggen love it!

Tis the season to be scary! Thank you ever so much Eric and Randi for the gifts! I feel the Creepmas spirit. I love my blogging community and my Canadian friends. :)

Also for those interested: I am throwing a NECROFEAST of my own on the 27th! I'm super stoked! Friends have offered their house, some are bringing Lovecraftian carols to sing! I love my West Coast family too! It's so weird to say that. I spent most my life living mainly on the East Coast. I am loving it here though! Can't wait to bring the creepy into the holidays!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Kweeny Reviews The Series...

I am sure by now to any of the frequent followers of my blog, that I adore American Horror Story. So far as a whole, the series has proven to be the most unique, visceral, and risk-taking pieces of horror TV going. I would even put it above things like The Walking Dead and Hemlock Grove for the way it tackles subversive topics, while it tells a great story. And not just one story. Usually each season has multiple stories within one frame work, making it like an anthology. 

Sure I love the actors in the show, and I love how they keep repeating throughout seasons. It’s nice to see familiar and talented people keep coming back, even as new folks get added. I love how they always have interesting places to take you to, like The Murder House, Briarcliff and New Orleans. And these places feel alive. They feel vibrant and atmospheric. I love how the characters are interesting and rich with personality, making me want to know more about them and missing them when the season ends. These things I adore about the show. I even adore the musical selections they've had throughout the series, with first season having soundtrack blurbs from movies you've seen if you are a die-hard horror fan and listen closely.

And they have friggen AWESOME promo images!
But the best part of the show for me is the stories.

For a person like me who adores well done storytelling, this series is what I've been wanting. While I have been pleased with a lot of TV coming out that gives us horror fans something to sink our fangs into, American Horror Story is a series I have wanted above all the others. It has so much good stirred into the pot that I am never bored when I watch it. Even when I can’t quite buy a story they are telling, I still enjoy myself. I still want to keep watching.

Now I won’t say it is a prefect series. Very few ever attain perfection. I mean, I think the weakest season for me had to be second season, and it is disappointing because I love the setting! An asylum is a great place to have an American Horror Story play out. It’s such a fertile field for terrible stories of malpractice, torture, and real abuse people suffered in those places. These things are touched on, which is one of a few reasons I don’t hate the season, but they took a risk and tried to tell a tale of aliens. While I get what they were attempting to do, reminding us of some of the real fears people had in the time period of the show (Back in the 70’s aliens were a scary thing), it wasn't told as well as the other mini stories being told. I loved the Bloody Face saga, and I loved Sister Jude’s terrible story. I even loved the crazy Nazi doctor and his Frankenstein-like experiments. But the aliens just didn't work for me. It is the weakest story, and makes the season fall flat.

The first season however, was awesome. Not my favorite, but that’s because even though Coven isn't finished its season, it blows my mind. It’s the best yet. The Murder House is a good season though. It has so much going for it with the eclectic mini stories, and a lot of them are so subversive, touching on topics that feel real and not made out for pure shock value. And I've noticed that each season seems to have some hat tip to the book Frankenstein. Have you noticed it? Dr. Charles Montgomery is a nod at Dr. Frankenstein. Dr. Arthur Arden is another. And Kyle Spencer is The Monster. Of course one of my favorite books of all time is Frankenstein, so I can see what they love about it.

With all this and more, I keep coming back to American Horror Story, and this season with Coven they have figured out the perfect spell. Everything works. The world is consistent within itself, the characters are unique and are preformed awesomely by the actors, there is drama, magic and horror all wrapped up in a voodoo doll full of pins. Each character in the series is beautiful and flawed, lovable and sickening, something they've cultivated since the first season. I’m in supreme love with this season. I can’t wait to see how things turn out. 

Thursday 5 December 2013


I am sure some of you who frequent my blog are wondering where the Creepmas posts are. Sorry gang. I didn't have 13 days of celebration in me this year. This season takes more out of me than I'd like to admit, and for many reasons, I just didn't want to do too much this year. I'm still excited for all the Krampus stuff I find, as I am a huge Krampus fan.

Remember me? Kweeny Krampus!
So I still have the creepy holiday spirit, just condensed I suppose. I don't want to do a marathon this year of creepy stuff, but I did find a holiday I could get behind that really captured what I feel the holiday spirit should be. I am not one for the mainstream versions of anything. I like to do things in my own creative style, and my style happens to be a bit macabre. It's just a big part of who I am. Been this way for as long as I can remember, and I don't feel right trying to fit into other people's definitions of holiday cheer, no matter what the holiday is.
I still love feeding candy canes to my Elder Things.
For some people, the holidays are light and joyous. And while I won't say I don't take moments of joy here and there, I am constantly in a state of paradox during this season. I feel sorrow for many things I have lost. Dead loved ones, family, etc. Winter brings a darkness with it for me. It's partly because I suffer from seasonal depression, I know that. But I also know I don't find being assaulted constantly with CHRISTMAS appealing either. I won't begrudge others finding joy, but I hate having their joy "imposed" upon me when I didn't even get a warning or a polite offer to join in if I so choose. I don't force people to experience my Creepmas. I like being crafty and making gifts for loved ones. I even love throwing festive parties or rituals for my pagan-friendly folk. But I don't expect things, nor do I want to be expected to do things.

While I am doing a private spiritual gathering with a few friends, I would like to do something crazy awesome. One big bash full of dark weirdness to "celebrate" winter. I want to close this year off in my own festive way. A way that captures my feelings a little more around this holiday season.

Krampus's Little Helper
This year I found JUST THE THING. A great little idea that captures my feelings on the holiday, and I don't have to spend weeks of energy on it. It's perfect, right down to the fact it falls on the 27th, a day most people have nothing planned on and right after the dreaded Christmas holiday. There are so many holidays are out there, and I love finding the ones that prove this season is not just about CHRISTMAS.

So here it is, the info on NECROFEAST. Will I be throwing my own Necrofeast this year? It depends if enough people I know will celebrate it with me. If I get enough interest among my friends I totally will. Hopefully I will have some awesome Necrofeast pictures to share with you.

Kweeny's Butler Reviews...NIGHT OF THE LIVING DORKS

The Butler's Viewpoint

Sometimes one finds the oddest things sitting in some of the stacks when cleaning this place up.  And lo during the latest challenge to clear out the Teddy Ruxpin of shame mounds of bear fur that somehow winds up in with this lot I found a section of films that I am now realizing that were left here for a reason.  And the tragic reason is for the simple sake of not knowing the language.  Pity really as my last lesson with Dario Argento shows me one can really be missing out on some gems.

Mind you translating this one I am not sure I am expecting Shakespeare. 

“Das Nacht der lebenden Loser.” Or in the Queen's English, “Night of the Living Dorks.”

Bloody hell I better get started on a good pint or three now.

We start off in Haiti; which is where the Zombie legends evidently come from in more modern lore; where a family at home finds itself under attack by a Zombie creature.  The family confesses to having no way to fight this evil, only to be aided by a local woman armed with a flame thrower who then immediately deals with the problem.  Yep it's going to be one of those films going straight for the humor rather than the horror.  While I have seen this style of work before, I am rather curious if a German film can carry off this balance.

The destroyed Zombie is burned down to ashes, which are then sealed in a jar to be disposed of.  This jar is stolen however and in a rather quick human chain of escalating sums of money the jar finds itself posted on the Internet for sale.  This means while organs might not be allowed to be sold on the Webs it t'would appear ashes are just fine.  And so our seeds for the living dead are established.

We now cut to our first young hero, asleep at home dreaming of obtaining the award of his dreams from his dream girl, to of course have this turn into a nightmare.  This is Phillip, and he has several repression issues from his domineering parents and his own sexual lusts.  His father is commanding and refuses to allow him to really be a teenager, while his mother is up front in the most embarrassing of ways that her son really needs to get laid.  During this time we meet one of his childhood friends across the fence called Rebecca.  Rebecca is a new age goth and she appears to have a liking for Phillip that he remains oblivious to.  While instructing Phillip in a rather direct way how to take care of their house while away, the parents make it very direct that everything is documented and it better stay that way.

Arriving now are Phillip's best friends and partners in this pending adventure, Worst and Konrad.  Konrad quickly is established to be a stereo-typical nerd with immense repressed hatred of all the tormentors of life, even going so far as to catalog and document each incident and perpetrator.  Worst quickly can be seen as an easy going party loving dope smoking sort of fellow.  Giving Rebecca a lift to school it is established that Phillip pines for the girl of his dreams and most popular girl in the school. 

Mustering his courage Phillip makes his move on his dream girl Uschi, only to find her boyfriend and friends prepared to humiliate him and his friends.  This gains no sympathy from the local students or even the principal, viewing it as brought upon themselves and the order of things.  Now with the pecking order established; and our heroes shown at the bottom of the heap; they clean up and head to class.  There Worst shows his endless drive to seduce their teacher with utterly no fear, much to the amusement of his lovely teacher.  Gotterin eine Himmel indeed!

In class the lesson is religions,their symbols and beliefs, and they are presented by the students.  Rebecca's friends have picked voodoo and other fetishes in order to show a darker view of the world.  Worst of course is not taking any of this seriously and plays up a voodoo doll with a prank that get the teacher to mourn and long for the days of orgies and sex parties instead of childish pranks, much to the interest of Worst.  Rebecca is crest-fallen and her friends embarrassed by the laughter of the classroom at their own beliefs. 

Outside the classroom Rebecca and Phillip talk about the cliches of high school and of course Phillip asks about the power of voodoo spells oblivious to Rebecca's own emotions.  Out of friendship they agree to meet up at a local cemetery to aid in a ritual which Phillip hopes to get him a love spell for his dream girl.  Our heroes show up to the ritual and Worst cannot resist not only not taking the rituals seriously but is candid that Phillip just has desires and lusts.  Our Goths in a 21st century take on rituals and a desire for Kurt Cobain's music muddle their way through the ritual and add to this the actual ashes of the Zombie destroyed at the beginning of the film.  In blundering they get the ashes all over our heroes and fear they have completely messed up the ritual.

Driving home Worst cannot help but break out the bongs and “smoke one up”.  His new auto-bong fails and fills the van up with smoke, causing our heroes to have what appears to be a fatal crash.  Laying there the ashes glow and our heroes awaken to find themselves inside the morgue.  In a panic they fear that they got so stoned that no one knew they were fine; due to their breathing and walking; and conclude it must be a stoned dream.  The attendants conclude this must be a student prank and ignore the goings on.  So our heroes flee the morgue and rush home.  In a stoned state they watch more classic zombie films and laugh that they must be zombies.  Though without the rotting or urges to eat brains they conclude that the failed ritual and dust got them really stoned.

That morning they remark how good they feel and how strong they are, and even dine on raw meat, thus thinking nothing of it.  They head to school and once more create a problem requiring harassment by the popular crowd.  Now the first strange issues happen when Konrad has his jaw knocked out and then put back in feeling no pain.  The bullies chalk this up to feeling like “being kinder” when the real answer seems stranger.  In biology class Konrad starts having more cravings, including eating the frogs for dissection.  Wurst insists that's just a French thing.  When Konrad tries to bite a female's derriere to Wurst this just further proves normal urges and not the craving for human flesh.  At this point Phillip notices something and drags Wurst to the bathroom to show him that there is a windshield wiper impaled through his chest. 

Our heroes have concluded finally that they are Zombies...just not what they expected.  Phillip urgently looks for Rebecca in order to figure out how he has gotten into this, and is there a way out.  By this point our heroes are clearly looking paler, but most write this off as just being tired or Goth.  Meanwhile Konrad is showing a craving for more and more meat, and finds that in his new form he can avenge all his wrong doings.  Konrad sets out on a crusade to wrong all his anguishes!  Phillip meanwhile is finding out from Rebecca that being a zombie may have some serious fail points, what with parts failing and then decaying away.  Horrified he notices that Worst is needing his help as Konrad is going insane with glee getting revenge.

Now our heroes find they have to take part in gym class.  Rugby against the champion team of the school.  Here the lads face what they expect is going to be typical humiliation.  Phillip councils passive resistance, but Konrad soon delights and rages that in their new forms they aren't feeling a thing, and that they could even get a few licks back in.  (After getting himself suitably hurt in a strange and weird way.)  This time the heroes decide to listen to Konrad and begin a long and pummeling payback on the best of the school.  Taking up the rally behind our heroes the rest of the humiliated classmates begin to inflict payback as well, and the entire school cheers them on, Good Show!   The coach of the team walks off in shame and considers that the heroes finally found their courage.  The students rejoice and the heroes soon find themselves the new center of attention and worship.  Embolden and full of new confidence Phillip and Worst proudly announce they will hold the greatest house party of them all, and Phillip even finds his dream girl Uschi is smitten by this new and bold man!  Rebecca walks away heart broken, it is only then that the heroes notice that Konrad has wandered off.

Konrad of course has his eyes set on the coach, remembering yet another past humiliation this time he seeks special revenge.  The Heroes arrive to find a rather bloated and sated Konrad having eaten the coach.  In a rage Phillip accidentally pulls of Konrad's ear, which is soon solved by a quick use of a stapler gun.  Phillip is concerned that this is the start of the great hunger lust and fall to evil, but Konrad decides to play along for now and later continue his quest for hunger and justice. 

Not taking chances Phillip and Wurst decide to chain Konrad into the garage while they work hard to dispose of the last evidence and get back in touch with Rebecca to help solve their problem.  Interrupted they find all the students have shown up to party hard at Phillip's place and to Rock me Amadeus!  While Phillip worries and frets Worst rolls with this and instead revels in being the complete party animal exploiting his abilities to the utmost, even going after his long lusted after school teacher.  Not having to breath underwater has it's uses...oh my.

Phillip begs and gets Rebecca to come over and help, only to find Uschi has set her sights on seducing Phillip.  This of course becomes a case of worst decaying body parts ever, including scuttling around to try and find important bits.  Our prior school bully and humiliated lad sneaks into the house to plant drugs on the site and calls the local police, only to have his plan spoiled by the hungry Konrad eating all the Wonderful Candy!  Phillip now finds he has several problems, an embarrassed Rebecca, parts falling off, and Konrad unleashed into the party in his Thriller outfit.  For poor Phillip his first priority is use of the magic stapler to repair the Uschi vice grip damage.  This leads to the great breakup and then the police showing up for a drug raid.  Lucky for them Konrad had the munchies.  Grimly Konrad later has even more munchies driving him to once more start chowing down on those who have oppressed him.  Left with an inconvenient body they store it in the freezer and then Wurst and Phillip have a large rage fight over their condition.  As while Phillip continues to see the worst Wurst just keeps being himself, just with more stamina.

Phillip finally resolves that he has to set things right with Rebecca, and opens up and tells her everything while she begins to suspect that maybe he's been telling the truth all along.  Phillip finally starts to feel his evil hunger starting, and is barely able to stop himself.  In despair he fleas to see Worst and begs him to kill him, only to find Worst took several levels at the StormTrooper academy.  Rebecca now completely believing their plight shows up in time and convinces them that she can find a solution for them.  Now the quest to assemble the needed ingredients begins, as Rebecca informs them they have little time before the infection becomes permanent. 

At this moment Phillip's parents are on their way home, having heard rumors of a party.  In a clever bit of timing they get completely the wrong idea of what is going on and are prepared to unleash great vengeance on their wayward son.  At this point Konrad accidentally saves the day as he is struck by the angry parents driving home in a rush, but due to his nature is able to shrug off the impact.  The Parents are shocked and now detour to the hospital in order to get Konrad the help they think he needs.  Konrad soon finds that the hospital has everything he has ever desired.  A full buffet and women who adore intelligent men. 

 While Konrad is enjoying his new lease on unlife in the hospital Phillip, Worst and Rebecca prepare the antidote while also cleaning the house.  At this point unfortunately the parents make it home and let them know that Konrad can be found in the hospital.  In a plea of sanity they try telling them the truth, which has the inevitable results.  A bit of slapstick later and the parents are “incapacitated” leaving our heroes their window to flee.  The cure is tried to strange and great success, but now the effort is made to try and save Konrad from himself.  This proves tougher then imagined as Konrad doesn't want to turn back and our heroes have to chase him down to try and turn him back to human.  The whole movie wraps up with slapstick fashion and a final happy ending for both Phillip and Rebecca at last.  With just a few staples having to be explained away...

This film turned out to be quite the subtle pleasure to enjoy, with it's many small comments and observations of Germany.  Both the evolved multi-culture of today's Germany in the casting of the characters, the blending of the still “everything in its place” culture, and even the commentary on how the Zombie infection affected the three heroes differently depending on how much hate, evil or just plain meanness that was already there inside of them.  Thus putting Konrad at one end of the spectrum with all his grudges and unresolved issues while Worst ends up profiting from the experience being what turns out to be an open and honest sex and party fiend. 

Just a tip to catch the humor it is best enjoyed in the original German with subtitles if you really need them so all the original and fun humor comes through.  And I must say this is an interesting take on the whole Zombie phenomenon.  Now I find my curiosity is piqued to see just how other countries have looked at it with horror and humor. 

Of course now I'm craving a good serving of blood pudding...

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