Sunday 29 July 2012

Kweeny Reviews...

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

So I finally got myself to the theater and saw it today. SPOILERS: Honest Abe is a Vampire Slayer! Shocker, I know. I mean, that's what we came to see right? But was it a good movie, hell, even a great movie?

Okay, so I got more spoilers for on if you care.

I had fun. I give it that much. I enjoyed the fuck out of it, mostly because I put my brain in a jar. Seriously, it's the only way you can watch this movie, or else all the continuity errors, the cliche special effects, and more start getting to you.  

Show that tree who's boss Abe!
Let me first get into the "historical fiction" aspect of this movie, because this is a big chunk of the film. This is probably one of it's big failures too. There are three kinds of story devices that I think they tried to use in this film, but if they settled on one, maybe it would have been a better film. But because this film was piece of Swiss cheese story wise, it has so many holes it's laughable.

ONE: What I like to refer to as Hand Wave-ium. They always start with a concept. A "What If" scenario. For example: "What if Freddy fought Jason?" In this movie's case, "What if Lincoln fought vampires?" I know this movie is based off a book, but the book was based off this premise. I haven't read it myself, but I know enough to know that is how the book was born. With the idea of "What if." You can tell by the title alone how this story is formed. Now, you can argue most stories start this way, but what I am getting at is most stories aren't one trick ponies. And it's really hard to make a convincing historical fiction based around a one trick pony idea. This movie fails in this regard because of this. It's based around a one trick pony idea that they try to pad out with other things.

TWO: I call this Balls To The Wall, but it's usually referred to as divergent history. This is where you say, "I know this isn't historically accurate and I don't really want it to be. But I will do enough research to make it believable so you'll buy my world-building." I did this in my short piece I set in a fantastical-pulp-1920's. I made a gumshoe tale that just happened to have magical critters walking about as if they had always been there. I never explained when they showed up or why. The point was they were there in that time period. This takes A LOT of research to pull off right. This movie, doesn't do enough research. Not sure if the book is anything like this, and sure, I'm a Canadian saying this. But we are taught American history in our schools. We learn all about the great presidents, so I know enough to know when a film is being lazy with it's history. They choose to focus too much on Hand Wave-ium and not enough on making this a divergent history.

THREE: The third I like to call The Bubble-verse story.  They could have done this story more justice by placing this story in it's own bubble. Just narrowing everything down so we are in one moment at a time. Not spanning an entire country, while dealing with the story of the slaves, while dealing with Abraham Lincoln's life story, while dealing with vampires! A good movie that does a great example of this is Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. The story is just encapsulated in it's own little bubble. Everything happens within this small space of time, place and setting, and thus is easier for us to believe as an audience what is happening. At first, the story of Abe Lincoln kinda feels like this. We get Abe's childhood, watching his mom die to a vampire, and how he becomes a slayer, and all this I could buy. It feels like it's a bubble world then, and we aren't forced to try and follow too many plot points all at once.

But then things fall apart in the third act of the film. 

Look out behind you!
And let's not forget the stupid effects they used to make the vampires Ooo scary, and the bad slow motion for every damn fight scene, or the heavy handed "Abe freed the slaves" message...

Now I get they were trying to play up the whole, "AMERICA FUCK YEAH! ABE IS GONNA KILL THE MOTHER FUCKING VAMPS YEAH!" But if they just focused on that, and not tried to get into every aspect of the Abraham Lincoln myth, maybe the film would have been better. As it was, it was stupidly awesome because Abe does kill vamps, and they play it all straight. That made even the bad parts fucking funny. I laughed out loud at some of the scenes, like when his wife mows down the female vampire. It's the only scene in the movie when a women gets to do anything, but honestly, in that time period women weren't people either so whatever.

And what was with giving the main vamp bad guys punk deaths? SERIOUSLY. They die like chumps at the end, but then again, once the war starts happening the movie is trying to rush to the big final battle on the train. It's like after Abe fights the main vampires in New Orleans the movie decides then to blow it's load and just make a mess of things. The plot goes all over the place, and they can't seem to weave the politics part into the film in any coherent way. 

Axe me a question, and I'll tell you no lies!
All and all, would I recommend it? Only if you are hungry for a ham sandwich of a good time. Don't expect the plot to have any baring in history, or reality. Don't expect True Blood vampires or special effects that make sense. Don't expect Abe Lincoln to be a good actor. He's kinda Meh on screen. It delivers on the Abe Lincoln being a slayer part. I can tell you that much. But I think I laughed at it more because of it's stupidity than anything else. It's high budget cheese folks. 

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Mad Jester Reviews...

Cold Creek Manor

Hello again, gentle reader. Uncle MJ's back with another review, and this time, I decided to go with something that purported to be a little more 'psychological thriller' and a little less 'hey look, he just took that guy's head off with a pool-skimmer', so I decided to go with a big-budget, major-house movie and ended up picking Cold Creek Manor.

Which just goes to show, I need to make friends with RottenTomatoes before I do this shit again.

Cold Creek Manor is by no means a shitty movie. The effects are well done, the pacing is decent, the production values are beyond reproach, and the score sets the atmosphere beautifully. The characters were portrayed excellently- a great performance by a powerhouse cast: Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone, Juliette Lewis, Stephen "Ten Pounds of Man-pretty in a Five-Pound Bag" Dorff- hell, even Kristen Stewart, by virtue of being Kristen Stewart, perfectly plays the sullen, pouty, disaffected 13-year-old daughter.

Damn it Dorff, stop making me gay!
So why, precisely, did this movie feel like slogging through knee-deep mud to get a 7-11 hot dog?

I think it's because, when I look at it objectively, I've seen this movie before. Three or four times. Under different titles each time.

Devil's throat was thiiis big!

The plot is the real sticking point here. It's just so very rife with cliché- whitebread yuppie family moves to country to escape hectic city life, buys big rambling house, gets more than they bargained for in the form of murderous psychopath, fights for their life, killer dies, we finish our sodas and leave. Tell me you haven't seen at least two movies like that in the last five years or so. (My first thought was "Funny Games by Fisher-Price.") Matter of fact, with some minor alterations and some supernatural goodness mixed in, it could just as easily have been a remake of Funny Man. (Y'know, if director Mike Figgis made Dorff drop peyote and watch Warner Brothers cartoons for a couple months before they started shooting.) And it's not even the 'comfortably-familiar, I like this kind of story' thing, so much as a general 'I'm pretty sure we passed this rock two hours ago, just admit we're lost' feeling.

Played by Kweeny's snake Geoffrey...
Every plot point is telegraphed, every suspenseful moment so trite that, during the jumpy-bits, one can safely look away from the screen and still know what's happening. No word of lie, I actually checked my e-mail during the climax, heard shattering glass, and said to myself (without looking up) "Oop, Dale's busting into the kitchen with a killing-hammer! They'll be running upstairs now!" A quick rewind confirmed my suspicions, and this fact speaks to either the predictable, paint-by-numbers nature of the film, or my AWESOME WIZARD POWER.

Wrong Hammer dude!
(The marked and disappointing absence of harem-girls in my house seems to indicate the former being the more likely option.)

All in all, while it was hardly the torture-implement that is Hard Rock Zombies, nor the unrelenting squick-sensation that is A Serbian Film or Subconscious Cruelty, it's still not an especially enjoyable  viewing experience. Not good enough to be memorable, not bad enough to be Bad Movie Night-fodder, not killy enough to satisfy any misanthropic cravings, not suspenseful enough to be exciting.

Would I recommend Cold Creek Manor to anyone?

Naaaah, not really. You've already seen it.

Friday 20 July 2012

Kweeny Gets A New Blog Award!

Thanks to both Dr. Blood and Left Field Films, I have been given a double whammy Liebster award! Let's see if I can do both in one post and not make it a confused mess shall we? It is nice to be acknowledged by your fellow bloggers for all your hard work.

The Rules
Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
Create 11 questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
Go to their page and tell them.
No tag backs.

Each person must post 11 things about themselves:

If you want 11 things about me, I have roughly that number stated in my bio. I figure linking to that would be a more interesting read than a boring list. But for the lazy, here it is in summary:

"Other stupid facts for the curious: Kweeny is misspelled that way on purpose. She could have spelled it Kweeney like Sweeney, but people used to misspell her first name funny all the time. Queeny was a common misspelling. The proper spelling is Queenie. She is also highly allergic to cats, loves dark musicals with gore and tragic romance, thinks Halloween is the best holiday ever, wants to own a castle, has a pension for swearing, snark, strangeness, and switching between Canadian and American English. She can also use grammar properly if she is paid enough, and is a published author and budding filmmaker."

Since this is a two for one award, I will answer no duplicate questions. Here are Dr. Blood's questions:

1. If you were stranded on a desert island, which three horror movie hotties would you want with you?

Michelle Rodriguez

Melinda Clarke

Delphine Chaneac

2. Chocolate muffins or chocolate cupcakes?
All the chocolate things...

3. What kind of computer do you use?
A Laptop: Presario CQ62 Notebook PC

4. If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?
I'm not sure I even want to be famous, but if I was I suppose it would be for something I've created. Like a story or movie perhaps.

5. How many M&Ms can you get into your mouth all in one go?
Roughly 30. I got a big mouth.

6. Can you lick your own elbow?

7. Which actor or actress do you hate the sight of the most?
Hmm...not sure I have one...

8. Have you ever woken up naked in a field?
Not in a field...

9. Hello Kitty or Pokemon? 

10. Oysters marinated in cat urine. Eat or die?
I'd eat, then find the fucker who forced me to eat them and make him eat something worse.

11. What's the scariest movie you have ever seen? 
Don't know if I have just one, or if I am truly scared. I would say the movie that disturbed me the most was Martyrs. It hit a cord with me that is deep and profoundly dark. I like movies that can do that. So few do.

And here are Left Field Film's questions:

Freddy or Jason?

What is your favourite film?
I hate this question. It assumes people are only capable of having 1 favourite movie. I am too complicated for that. I have many. At the moment, I'd pick Pan's Labyrinth due to where my head is at.

What's your best movie quote?
 Again, hate this question. But at the moment I'm very into Game of Thrones, which is full of awesome quotes like this one, "The night is dark and full of terrors, old man. But the fire burns them all away."

What made you start blogging? 
Boredom mostly. I wanted something creative and fun to do. 

What's your favourite book? 
A few of my favourite writers are Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Jacqueline Carey and Anne Bishop. 

Who's your favourite actor?

At the moment I'm loving this man, Peter Dinklage.

After horror, what's your favourite genre?

Favourite director?
For today: 

Guillermo del Toro

What's your earliest memory?
Too personal.

What's your most expensive purchase?
Hmm...My Greencard. :P

What film are you seeing in the cinema next?
Hopefully The Dark Knight Rises. Very excited for that one! 

Create 11 questions for the people you have tagged to answer:

1. Describe a weird dream you've had lately.
2. Do you play any sort of games? Video games, RPG's, board games? If so what kind of games do you enjoy?
3. Show us something you bought recently.
4. What was the last film you saw?
5. What is the first horror movie you ever saw?
6. Do you like thunderstorms? Why or why not?
7. What do you do in your spare time other than blog?
8. Have you seen The Room?
9. Do you like Musicals? Do you find yourself breaking out into song for days on end after seeing one? (I know I do.)
10. Favourite monster: Vampire, Werewolf, Undead, etc. Name as many as you'd like or all of them and tell us why you love them.
11. Tales From The Crypt Keeper, X Files or Twlightzone?

Choose 11 people and link them in your post

Yeah, I love you guys. I love more bloggers too, but I can only pick 11. Thank you for the double blog award and I hope these answers suffice! 

Friday 13 July 2012


Kweeny Todd is ONE today! HURRAY! It's also Friday the 13th, which is pretty damn awesome too!  During the course of this past year I laughed, I cried, I watched both awesome and shitty movies alike, and brought my own brand of strange to the world wide web. It's been a blast for sure, and the blog is growing up.  Kweeny Todd's legend started with the name, then the costume idea I came up with on Halloween, now...she has become a character in her own right. In honor of this momentous occasion, I put together a little video for my readers...

The full legend of the Demon Blogger of Canadia...Kweeny Todd!

CELEBRATION! *hick* The powers of Kraken rum and madness made me produce the video below. You've been warned.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Kweeny Sings, "Hello My Friends..."

I got some talented friends and fans! Recently, I got some art from a friend who loves the blog, and did an awesome drawing of all the people who make Kweeny Todd possible. Check it out!

From left to right: Mad Jester (Reviewer Slave), Kweeny Todd (The Demon Blogger herself), and Bear, (mate to Kweeny and sometimes Game Reviewing Slave). I love our horrified expressions! You just know we are watching something terrible like Hard Rock Zombies!

Pretty nifty huh? Thank you Patricia Young for your awesome art skills!

Also, this Friday is the blogs 1st Anniversary! I got something special planned, and new features coming! The blog is growing up folks, and I have plans...oh do I ever have plans...*evil cackles*

Stay Tuned...

Saturday 7 July 2012


One common element to any horror story tends to be the one about death. More often than not, death plays a key role in horror, because horror is the one place were death can go all out. The most grisly, horrible aspects of death can be explored in great detail here, especially the themes of violent death. It's the one kind of death we find unacceptable, because it breaks the natural law and shows us our frailty can be taken from us by someone else. This is why murder and suicide are the hardest to live with for the survivors. They can't see death in a peaceful light because the violence that took their loved one has scarred them, leaving them with a monstrous image of death.

And we horror fans LOVE watching a good violent death. We love it no matter who gets it. We have a sick fascination with death. No matter how you try to rationalize it away, genre's within horror like torture porn and slashers prove my point. Death is fascinating, and violent death, even more so.

So I thought it would be fun to make a list out of my top 10 favourite grisly deaths in horror. No one does death quite like horror does. Horror goes that extra dark mile to show you just how terrible it would be to die in X way.


10: Shooting

The reason why shooting is so low on the list as it is the least horrific of the deaths. Anyone can get shot, in real life or horror. Using guns in creative ways sometimes happens in horror, and can be rather entertaining. But to be killed by a gunshot usually just spares you a more grisly death later. It still deserves a place of honor here because guns can leave people in chunks, especially if you use something like a shotgun.

9: Beheading

I am not one of those people who has a fear of beheading, so for me, this is lower on the list. It's my personal tastes I am judging deaths on after all. But I know people who would have this as their top scariest death. The idea of having your head removed forcibly is by no means a pleasant idea. But it is very final and quick. Lop someone's head off and you know they are gone. Sometimes people make this one a funny death to watch too! When heads bounce like they are balloons filled with air or squirt cartoonish levels of blood, it just takes me out of the moment.

8: Stabbing, Slicing, Cutting

By no means is this a clean way to die, or an easy death, but I put it lower on the list because it's seen quite a lot in horror. It's a personal way to kill someone, with a lot of variety. From slicing someone's throat with a razor, to stabbing the living shit out of them, horror has been using this old stand by for years. The first slasher was named such after this practice. And if you are lucky, you might actually live from the experience if your stab wounds are superficial. You're not gonna live from a beheading, believe me.

7: Asphyxiation

This one is a little more brutal to me, as it can be done by hanging, suffocation, choking and more. One death that sticks out in my mind is the one in Black Christmas, where the killer uses a plastic bag to suffocate his victim. The image left behind of the girl's face frozen in gasping horror is gruesome. Cutting off someone's air supply is a sure way to slowly, and terribly, kill your victim.

6: Beaten To A Pulp/Crushed

This is not a practical way to kill someone by any means, but it is messy. Whether it's accidental, done with weapons of some kind, or just using your bare hands, killing someone by making them goo takes away their  identity. You are literally turning them from a human into mush, making them unrecognizable to the audience.  A good make up effects person can make this look horrific, but if done wrong, this can be one of the most laughable deaths. 

5: Dismemberment

This one is kind of like being beaten down or crushed, except you can still have more human parts left behind. A killer may chop up a victim into pieces, or just gut them like a fish, leaving them as half a torso or legless. Loosing limbs can suck hard, especially if your not quite dead yet and can't get medical attention any time soon. Can you imagine loosing your lower half and just lie there, bleeding out from the missing half of your waist? 

4: Devouring

This one happens a lot in cannibal and zombie films. In zombie films, you get smothered by a pack of them, and they tear you to bits while they eat you. Mouths bite your neck, your arms, your legs, any part they can get at, and sometimes they use their hands to tear into open wounds and gut out your innards. This can be a slow death too, and horrifying, as you watch your killers feast on you. We are meat after all. And meat is damn tasty. 

3: Drowning

I am not too fond of drowning myself as a way to die. Whether held down by the killer, or just unable to reach the surface, drowning is a horrible way to go. Forget about what creatures may lurk in the deep, as that fear can be covered by being devoured. But to think you can't get enough air, and water fills your lungs as you gasp and struggle...*shivers* If you've ever nearly drowned you know this horror.

2: Dragged to Hell/Underworld/Etc

Depending how this is done, this death can be the most entertaining, terrible, and down-right scary ever. It's the fear of the unknown, killing us. This one can be done very creatively, that's why it's so high up on the list. If done right, you can make it a spectacular show for the audience, and give them new things to fear. Opened a puzzle box lately and got dragged to hell by cenobites, who torture your soul for shits and giggles? Yeah, not a way I wanna go either. I'd probably try to escape like Frank did.

1: Death By Plague

Why is this so high up on my list? Because it's a faceless horror. There is no bad guy, unless you count how asshole-ish humans get when faced with a plague. To be slowly eaten alive by a virus, or transformed into a monster, or loose your fucking mind to some contagion, is just the worst fucking thing imaginable to me.  I don't consider this natural either, because usually in horror this is dealt with to the extreme horrific ideal. I'd rather fill a shot gun with rock salt and shoot myself in the face then be slowly eaten away with some T virus or something. Ick.

And that's my list gang. Let me know what you think in the comments! Let's talk about death!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Kweeny Says, "Happy Holidays!"

With Canada Day just past and today being the forth, I thought I'd give you a little love from the Mistress of the Dark herself, Elivra. She's a proud American after all.

As a Canadian living in America, I feel like I am a creature of two worlds. I love my home country, but I am also loving living here. Oregon has become a second home. So I get to celebrate both holidays. I spent Canada day fundraising for my film, and today, I get to have a "traditional" forth of July celebration. It's my first time being in America on this day, so my friends want me to experience the full "American holiday." So I am expecting meat, explosions and booze, with a sprinkling of flag waving. Not necessarily in that order. 

So in honor of both holidays I give you Elvira, dancing her fanny off. Because who doesn't love when she dances?

I think it's time to party. Elvira style. 
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